Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Nut Farm

Tomorrow after church we're headed out on a brief trek across the way to a Pecan Orchard. Not a grove. I just recently learned the difference and lots of other things like Pawnee versus Stuart variety, what pecan weevils are, when to prune pecans, why so many don't produce properly, etc. So in case you haven't guessed - we have decided that our tree farm will be .... ta dah... a pecan farm. Clearing the land should be finished by the end of next week (Lord willing) and then we will burn the piles and piles and piles and piles.... of stumps which we can now finally do thanks to the wonderful rains during the past week. Then we will race against time to try to get some winter ground cover planted and growing in time to be well established before tree planting time in January. My hubby and I have never been so excited and at peace about what to do with the land as we are now so after long and hard prayers we really feel like this is the best use of the land. Normally I don't like to learn scientific names and horticulural details but for some reason I really enjoy it when it comes to pecans. Weird, huh? Maybe it's just because I'm already so nutty? Anyway, tomorrow we head down near Spivey's corner, world famous for its Hog Hollerin' Contest (they just call it the Hollerin' contest now - no kidding!) and check out a great Orchard. We're taking pictures of our farm so we can have some "before" and "after" pictures as well as pictures from our visit tomorrow. I'll holler over to you in a few days and let you know how tasty those pecans are!!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Wow! How cool is that?