Tuesday, March 29, 2011


When I am in heaven,
Looking on Your Holy Face,
Will I be able to understand
The depth of your great grace?

When we bow before you
Seated on your holy throne
Will I comprehend
Why you chose me as your own?

When my eyes behold your glory
In its fullness and unveiled,
Can my heart perceive it
And not fully melt?

As we sing "Hosanna,
Worthy is the Lamb"
Can my voice join in
Without choking as I am?

In this world of sin
Even when we really try
We can't comprehend
How You must be up on high.

Tiny little glimpses
Like snowflakes in the spring
Are the only visions
Of your glory we can see.

Oh, how overwhelming
Is your sacrifice and love
For this vilest sinner
You chose to be with you above.

Help to dim my senses
To this world below
Seeing more of your sweet face
And your grace that overflows.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mfangano February 2011 (short)

For those who have known me a while, you know that Kenya holds a very special place in my heart. When I was living for the success of this world, I had a job where I met and trained several Kenyans, who taught me a little of their rich history and showed me the wonderful hearts that they had for their country and its people (and hooked me on Kenyan coffee :) !). After I turned my life over to the LORD, I was very sorrowful that I had missed a great opportunity to share Christ with these precious souls since I was living so selfishly at the time. What a joy and privilege it has been over the years to know that God has "restored the years of the locusts" by allowing me to be a prayer partner and donor for several trips others have taken to Kenya. Recently some people from a church where we used to live returned to Kenya and began the journey to establish a "New Life Camp - Kenya", another amazing step in God's work there. Praise the Lord for those willing to go and serve, for those ready to hear of the hope and love of His Word, and for the joy of being able to be a "team member" by praying for God's people. Thank you, Lord, for technology that helps us to see and hear of your work! Thank you, Lord, for allowing us to see how You can turn what we meant for selfish desire into your Kingdom work. God is so good!