Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Childrens Book Report

I had borrowed a book from a friend that I finally broke down and bought myself. Yeah, for those who know me as "tightwad", it's that good. It's called "The Princess and the Kiss" and although my 8yo now says "yu - u - uck" (with tongue stuck all the way out) when the words "kiss"or "boys" come up I know it will be but a breath of time before the "yuck" turns into "ahhhh". So I really like to read this book to her while her heart is still tender. As she grows older she can begin to understand the full significance of what is only now a nice story. I really recommend this book to anyone with a daughter of any age. It's never too late or too early to let them know God's way. And everyone knows a Prince Peacock and a Prince Romance from somewhere!

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