Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We love having "company"!!

We were blessed last Friday night to have Megan and her family over and we all thoroughly enjoyed it! Gran's friend was here, and Russ and Katy came and stayed a while, too, so we ate up some grilled chicken, slaw, and some of the best potato salad and strawberry salad that Megan brought (I want recipes!!). Saturday evening we had a relative over for a while in the afternoon and enjoyed sitting and chatting on the back porch, swinging in time to the breeze and watching two hummingbirds flitter just a few feet away from us on the other side of the screened porch. Sunday brought a few minutes to share with an old friend at church who was in town for the day and then Matt and his best friends came over for a spaghetti dinner (hope it wasn't too spicy for Baby B, Lindsey!) with my niece, sister-in-law and MIL joining us for part of the time. Lindsey started my girls on some new crafts!! On Monday Russ, Katy and Joy visited after coming this way for a hair appointment and spent the afternoon with us, playing some video games, "Apples to Apples" and the girls making a few more crafts they had started on Sunday night with Lindsey. All in all we had a terrific weekend and now my children are asking who is coming this weekend to play!

Saturday some of us will be going to our home school graduation ceremony and then on to various celebrations with some of the seniors and then Sunday we hope to have a repeat of last weekend with some other friends/family here. In the meantime, I am emailing a couple of friends "up north" talking about when we can get together for a "chicken pickin' " (hint, hint Lea & Shelley!!). Maybe they will be our visitors the following weekend!

I love the extra time we have in the summer to get together with friends and family. I think somehow I need to make that extra time year-round, too! Nothing as good in life as time spent with those you love. Do I hear an "Amen"??


Megan Penner said...

Amen!! We had SUCH a wonderful time, Faye! I will get you recipes -- I thought about how I needed to do it all week. We want to have all of you over soon. We love being with you and your precious and beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

baby b loooooved the spaghetti and those meatballs! he/she wanted to eat 2 or 3 more platefuls, but his/her momma didn't want to look like a piglet :) your cookies were wonderful too! thanks again for having us!