I know I am famous for it - my "to do" lists. I admit it. If something is not on the list and I do it, I usually add it to the list just so I can mark it off. Sick, huh? I have "daily" lists and "long-term" lists, "school" lists and "chore" lists for each child, "farm improvement lists", "hubby" lists, "wish" lists. As I began school this week I saw that I had lots and lots of things left undone on my "Summer" list. So I decided that I'm going to make an "I didn't plan it but it happened anyway" list. Things we did this summer that weren't on my lists anywhere and not only got done but were some of the best things we did! Here goes....
- Taught 8yo to make a quilt
- Helped 5yo learn to swim and 8yo learn to dive
- Watched sunflowers grow that the birds had "planted" at the base of the bird feeder
- Learned that the best watermelons are a cross between seedless and seeded
- Made and canned Pumpkin Butter
- Made several new friends and spent time with old ones
- Had lots of fun times with old friends
- Learned how to know exactly when to pick watermelons
- Learned not to plant pumpkins in May!
- Read lots of books
- Learned how to treat a dog's joint ailments and how to properly clip their nails
- Made two new "e-pen pals"
- Rejoiced with two couples over the births of babies and one couple over the adoption of one
- Cried with two friends over the loss of parents and gave out lots of hugs
- Spent extra time with hubby to help grow our marriage
- Helped MIL clean and prepare for her out-of-town company
- Given (by God) opportunities to share Christ's forgiveness and salvation with two neighbors
- Able to share lots of flowers from our garden with neighbors and friends from my 8yo's garden row and hopefully plant seeds for friendships and relationships
- Learned about using two new pieces of software
- Taught 8yo to braid hair
- Taught 5yo to make his bed (difficult because it's in a corner) and floss without help
- Canned more tomatoes than planned, more jelly than planned, ate out of the garden more than ever before
- Taught John 3:16 to my 5yo
- Helped my 8yo review her books of the Bible
- Helped my 18yo prep for college (not just pack)
- Prayed way too little
- Found out that a friend's brother was saved and rejoiced with them
- Rocked lots of babies during VBS and Sunday School (I love it!)
- Saved extra money with coupons that was then able to be given to a worthy cause
- Made a new carrying bag (denim) for 5yo to keep his Awanas stuff in
- Discovered several new recipes that didn't work out well :) !
- Discovered a couple of new recipes that we do like!
- Met a "blogger" friend in person just to discover that she is even more precious than I thought!
- Planned (most of) the major components of school
- Kept the garden and orchard alive during the absolute most unimaginable heat and drought ever seen in this area
- Spent too little time in Bible study
- Broke (with God's help) a bad habit
- Hugged and kissed my family a lot but never too much!