Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We technically don't "do Advent" because we don't have the Advent wreath or fast or even follow a specific agenda each day. However, we do read (almost daily :) !) from "Jotham's Journey" and discuss it. Today after we read our daily story we discussed light and darkness, how it gets darker earlier in the winter, how Christ is THE Light in our lives, and how easy it is to let darkness creep into our hearts. Just after we finished reading, we began to get down our Christmas decorations and it was neat the way the children were counting the candles and begged to light several of them. They also got out some electric lights (for the tree which we don't have yet!) and strung them around. It was really a blessing to see how they carried on talking and thinking about light and darkness long after the "lesson" ended. May your December be filled with lots of warm lights in your soul.


Anonymous said...

Cool. I have heard of this book in homeschooling circles. Check out my blog to see what we are doing. Have a blessed day.

I know you are busy as a bee in a beehive. Or maybe I should say busy as a one armed paper hanger!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my's been slow lately. I got the Red Ribbon of Christ from Dew4him when I was on the ministry team. They probably have more. I can ask about it for you.
