Friday, May 23, 2008

Awanas Awards

Last Sunday my children received their ribbons and awards and applause (and ice cream afterward!) for the many verses they had learned this year. It is much easier for one of my children to memorize than the other and sometimes it seems a little unfair how much harder it comes but I am so thrilled and pleased that they are learning the verses and more importantly, we are trying to get them to apply them to their hearts. We have really enjoyed our participation in this program for the past 2.5 years and I am praying that we can continue to participate (there is discussion about moving it to Sunday afternoons which would make it difficult or impossible for us to continue). Anyway, as my Granny used to say "Don't borrow trouble up ahead, honey" so we will wait and see the outcome of discussions. For now, we will continue to review and even learn a few new things in preparation for next year. My 6 yo knows his New Testament books so we will spend the summer learning the Old Testament and the 23rd Psalm. My 9yo will work on learning two long passages and we will all as a family work on trying to get better at living out the Word! We're not doing the "summer" mid-week program as it is mostly play and with gas prices (we drive about 25 minutes each way) and the rigors of gardening and summer schedules, we opted not to do it this summer. Later in June we will participate in VBS but that will be all of the non-Sunday activities until fall.

1 comment:

Angela said...

We love AWANAs too. I am in a very similar siuation with my two oldest. One devours verses to the point that we put a weekly CAP on her to make sure she is taking the time to understand each one. The other daughter struggles to get through each section. She gets through, but it takes much reserved time for recitation and reading. Nathan always reminds me (half-joking) that it may just be that the Lord needs her to say those verses over and over and over for MY benefit :o)

Our AWANAs is on Sunday afternoon/evening and I can tell you from experience that it is something that causes us to evaluate participation every year. It makes for a long, tiring day for my little ones. I would *love* to have our AWANA program on Wed evenings. We, Nathan and I, could both even participate if that were the case.