Saturday, December 15, 2007


Temperatures here have been ridiculously high for the past week - there is something totally wrong with wearing shorts and having your windows open while you sing Christmas carols and decorate the tree! Even in the South! But in the past 24-hours, the temps have taken a nose-dive, brought in clouds and blessing of all blessings - RAIN - to this drought-stricken land. My 5yo did not want to believe me this morning when I told him to change out of his shorts - until he stepped outside and with a yelp exclaimed "MOM - IT'S SNOWING!!!" "No," his Dad quickly but calmly explained, "that is just rain, son - it's just been so long since you saw it you forgot what it was!" I think we had all forgotten both what rain looked like and what December temps were supposed to feel like. Tonight we cut off all the lights and sounds and sat for a few minutes and just quietly listened to the wonderful sound of rain flowing in the gutters, splattering the windows, and refreshing the whole earth around us, while we sipped some hot cocoa and snuggled under soft blankets. Now that is the perfect evening to me! Thank you , Lord, for rain and seasons.

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