Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Quick Update....

We've been a busy bunch here as I'm sure you all have, too. Over the weekend D returned from his trip to Texas, we had some of the older children home visiting Sunday afternoon, my oldest got lots of pics posted to his website from his Japanese trip, the youngest two and I participated in a Thanksgiving Feast on Monday with lots of crafts, good food, great fellowship and even had a slight shower of rain as we were giving Thanks to God for His blessings! How neat is that?! EK said the whole Emerson poem "Father In Heaven We Thank Thee" and she will have a repeat performance of it on Thursday. Today we are trying to finish our Thanksgiving Folders (like lapbooks), EK has her acro class, lots of laundry to catch up on with J home :) , and a homeschool leaders meeting tonight. Tomorrow will be one last dash to the grocers for a few items I forgot last Friday, some errands to run and prepping a congealed cranberry salad (with pecans of course!!) for Thursday's lunch at MIL's. Now I know most people have their big Turkey and fixin's at dinner time but I really like the Creech family tradition of having it at lunch. We say it's because that way we can all head off in different directions to the "other sides of the family" but mostly I think it's because it gives us an excuse to eat such a scrumptious meal twice in one day! Have a very Blessed Thanksgiving and count your blessings every day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

..Popping in to say have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving, and to thank you for being such a wonderful encourager to so many... I consider you one of my blessings this year!