Thursday, November 22, 2007

One More Reason to Be Thankful

Yesterday I thought I "had it all together" and was quite pleased that I not only got 3 different salads made, everything ready to cook pies, rolls, potatoes and corn this morning (we were eating at noon), made tea, did laundry and washed dishes (twice), but also had time to go help my MIL with last-minute cleaning at her house where we were all scheduled to go eat lots and lots and lots. So here's what a reminder I got for focusing on the wrong things - my hubby's transmission went completely out, we need to get my daughter's car re-inspected after several things get fixed, and we found out a friend was ill and wouldn't be able to join us. No big deal, though. Well, shortly before midnight (yes, we were still awake), I see car lights flying down our path toward my MIL's house. Hmmmm... she had eaten dinner with us and been back at home for several hours so who could be going there at this late hour? We called her house to check on her and my niece answered the phone. My SIL and my nieces were in the "flying car" rushing to get my MIL to rush her on to the ER. She had gone out her back steps (and not turned on the light so she wouldn't wake the cat!!!), mis-stepped, and fell headfirst into a very hard, very wooden table. Long night short, after numerous tests and no less than 8 hours in the ER she returned home with 14 staples in her head! Yikes!! Thanksgiving cancelled? Oh, no! She insisted on cooking the turkey and dressing (with some help from family) and we were all very acutely reminded of how blessed we are and how very quickly life can be snatched away or dramatically changed in a matter of mili-seconds. So today we gave thanks for many, many things but most of all for the fact that my MIL did not pass out (as blood gushed from her head) before she could call for help and that she will be fine in a few days. My 8yo did her Ralph Waldo Emerson poem again and then later told us she wanted to add "and for ....(name of each family member) , Father in heaven we thank Thee." Says it all, huh?

1 comment:

Beth said...

Oh Faye! I'm glad to hear that she'll be okay! It brings to mind John 16:33 " In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."