Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Homeschool "Tip" #2 - The Comparison Game

“How much time he gains who does not 
look to see what his neighbour 
says or does or thinks,
but only at what he does himself,
to make it just and holy.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Once upon a time there were two homeschooling Moms. One was organized, detailed and precise. The other was creative, innovative, and gracious. Organized Mom felt quite superior, "Look how much better my home and yard look than hers." Creative Mom glanced across at her neighbor and thought "Oh, she is so pitiful - her children do not even play with playdough!" Outwardly they smiled and waved, inwardly they both grew in self-righteousness.

But over the days and weeks Creative Mom had one - then two - then three-in-a-row of "those" days. She sighed as she struggled to color code her paints and date order her children's math pages so that she would be more like Organized Mom and spend less time hunting for things. She still smiled and waved across the fence, but inwardly she steamed, "She has it so easy because she is naturally organized and doesn't have to deal with the chaos I have with three little boys!"

On the other side of the fence, Organized Mom was facing her fourth day-in-a-row of "those" days. Baby had spilled not only his own food, but big sister's drink and used the markers to draw on the walls, while oldest sister, almost a teen, whined constantly about being bored. She sighed heavily and said "Oh, my neighbor has it so easy because she always has creative ideas and doesn't freak out with spills like I do."

And every day they smiled and waved across the fence amidst their frustration of comparison.

“Peter must have thought, "Who am I compared to Mr. Faithfulness (John)?" But Jesus clarified the issue. John was responsible for John. Peter was responsible for Peter. And each had only one command to heed: "Follow Me." (John 21:20-22)”
― Charles R. Swindoll

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