Tuesday, October 2, 2007

October = Birthdays

In our family we have a proliferation of October birthdays. Sons, nieces, sisters, best friends, sister-in-laws, and the beat goes on... la dee da dee dah... (OK, for those who knew what I meant from that - you have had too many birthdays like me!!). Anyway, we kicked the month off by having my Brother-in-law's birthday bash at the end of September and it will be one after another until Nov. 1st (including Oct. 31st!!). It's really fun but it gets to be confusing how to juggle it all now that so many are in college away from home, have boyfriends/girlfriends and their families, all the other activities and flurries of October - soccer, dance, harvest festivals, state fair, battle re-enactments, more harvest festivals - and then of course somewhere in the mix has to come laundry and school and vacuuming and those other annoying interruptions from the parties! The worst part? By November I don't even want to think about how many pounds of cake I have consumed !! And that's BEFORE Thanksgiving!!


Anonymous said...

how did you get my picture on your website LOL... I tend to gain a bit of winter weight... problem is it doesn't come off in the spring!!! Happy Birthdays all around to everyone!!

Beth said...

Oh, that cartoon is hilarious!
And thanks for the reminder ~ I need to send off birthday packages to my mil and my niece!