Thursday, September 15, 2011

One more label?

Over the past year I have been reading some great books such as "Radical" (and "Radical Together"), "Crazy Love", "Experiencing the Holy Spirit", "The Heavenly Man", and "The Spirit-Filled Life". One theme seems to stick out in all of them. What does it mean to be "Christian"? Is it a label we add to others, like American, White, Black, Asian, Accountant, Banker, Mechanic, College Graduate, Parent, Musician, Runner, Golfer, Neighbor, Gardener, Coffee Drinker, Friend?
I really don't like the word "Christian" because it has lost its true meaning and seems to be just another title or label with little or no meaning anymore. So many people call themselves by that name and have no relationship or knowledge of Christ at all.
At one point I liked "Jesus Freak" better - it designated a deeper commitment, a more radical stance than simply another label to slap on to our bumpers or facebook pages. There is a series of books entitled "Jesus Freaks" and I certainly don't qualify to stand alongside these amazing martyrs so I dropped that potential label.
What about "Jesus Follower"? Closer. But I do more than follow Jesus. I try to yield to and obey Him (although I do it pretty poorly) in every aspect, learning more of Him and His Way each day. Blind followers do not think and question and seek but true believers in Jesus Christ, the Messiah and King of Kings are told to do just that.
"Jesus Imitator" would be a great label, but would be a falsehood to where I stand and would seem to indicate that somehow my efforts bring me closer to Christ, when it is in Him and through Him that any growth can happen. "Under His Wings" is one I really like, because that is usually how I make it through each day. Yep, I think that one is the closest to any "label" I would like to wear. Under the Wings of the One who created me, loves me and keeps every molecule in its place in this vast universe. Pretty amazing that He calls me to come and allows me in my pitiful state to call on Him. Even more unbelievable is that He loves and forgives me when He knows the deep wickedness of my heart. But that's who HE is and so for now that is the "label" I choose if I have to do so. May you reside under His wings, too, and there find that it is a peaceful, joyful, satisfying thing to be there under the Wings of the One who loves you beyond the ability of all human love, even beyond our understanding of love. Oh praise Him!

1 comment:

Alison said...

Well said! Great post! (And so was the one below this one!)