Did you know that it is a federal offense to take a cell phone into prison? Of course, when you think about it, it makes sense. But cell phones are smaller and we carry them with us everywhere so it would be easy to forget to leave it at home. But what if I told you that last weekend a group of men carried a weapon into a maximum security prison? And what if that weapon was so powerful that no walls could block its effects? And if I told you that this weapon was carried in a small box but that the components of it were hidden within each of the 30 volunteers that had met all security clearances for visitors and had proceeded through a series of scanners without anyone seeing the weapon?
It is not fiction. This actually occurred last weekend. Walls thicker than prison walls were penetrated and broken down. Walls of self-preservation built up by years of hurt and pain and mistrust and abuse beyond what most of us could ever imagine. Walls of unforgiveness, coated with layers of desire for revenge, reinforced by steel bars of determination completely dissolved away under the influence of this weapon. Unbelievable changes occurred; stone hearts transformed into pliable, loving, forgiving ones. Minds totally clouded by hatred and evil enlightened by love and hope. Hope. A visitor long forgotten by many of these men came back into their presence. Hope. A light in the darkness. Hope. Regardless of circumstances or surroundings.
A weapon that tears down walls but brings hope? Yes. A weapon that tears away lies and hurts, brandishes healing for old wounds, initiates the beginning of a new understanding of what life could be like. A weapon stronger than walls, more powerful than evil, more permanent than this earthly life. Last weekend my husband was overwhelmed when he realized that he was allowed to carry this weapon behind the prison walls. This weapon that would free anyone from the bars of sin, free anyone from the gates of hell, free anyone from the prison walls of unforgiveness and selfishness. As he stood holding the box that held this weapon he knew that Christ was honored by the men willing to carry this weapon into a place of darkness, in a way that would break down the thickest prison walls - those inside a man's heart. Some were softened to yield to the weapon by the display of love through homemade cookies, placemats made by children, prayer chains showing that they were not only not forgotten, but were remembered in sincere prayer. Praise the Lord for His weapon and for giving a few the honor of carrying it in to do battle. The victory is His - and it is already won!