Less than 1/2 inch of rain during the past forty days has meant many, many hours filling the tank, driving the tractor and watering trees. Some days I think I go to bed counting slowly to 30 in my head with my arms aching from aiming the fireman's hose to/from each tree while turning the hard steering wheel of the tractor. I just want it to rain. No, that's not true - I just want it to rain without hard winds and slowly soak in overnight with a slow, steady rain. Picky, huh?!
But with all this hot, dry weather I can't help but meditate on the "living water" and "never thirst again". When I have plenty to drink I honestly don't think about water. When it rains abundantly, I take it for granted. Only when I am hot and thirsty do I realize the amazing qualities of water. Only when it is dry and my throat is parched do I long for a cool drink. Recently I have had a drought in my spiritual life as well as on the farm. The living water is there, waiting, and I have chosen to get dry and thirsty. The Word of the Lord has been left stagnant too often and my heart has been drying up. I could chose not to water the pecan trees and watch them dry up quickly and die. What a foolish waste that would be. But how even more foolish a waste it is to let my spiritual growth wither up for the lack of quiet reflection on God's Word. The spring is flowing. Lord, help me to choose to drink from your well of living water. Help me not just to survive, but to grow and thrive so that your fruit will blossom for others. Make me aware of my thirst and feed me your water every moment of every day. Thank you, Lord, for the wonder of physical water and the satisfaction of living water. Let it flow!